Ankama Confirms Early Access Launch Date For Tactical PvP Card Game WAVEN

waven characters art

If you’re a fan of the weirdly named Wakfu and Dofus MMO’s then you’ll be happy to know that Waven, the next game in the series, will soon be launching into early access on PC and Mac. Ankama, however, has moved away from traditional turn-based MMORPG mechanics for the upcoming title which will instead be a tactical PvP card game set in the same colorful world.

The early access build promises 25 playable heroes and five classes. Players will be able to explore the island nation of Astrub and several of its archipelagos as they take on thirteen quests alone or in three-person co-op groups. They’ll also be able pit their skills against other players in the PvP Kollosium.

Players will also have access to a tutorial island and quick-start mechanics to help them get off to a running start. “In addition to the introductory side quests, which have been updated to simplify your introduction to combat mechanics and better prepare you for the epic adventure that lies ahead, Astrub also offers two exclusive quests known as clan quests, forming initial narrative threads that serve as a prologue to WAVEN’s main storyline,” Ankama says.

Waven is set to launch on August 16th with a mobile version planned for release later which will feature cross-platform play between PC and Mac versions.